Clean Annapolis River Project 2023 AGM
Clean Annapolis River Project 2023 AGM – June 27, 6pm
Clean Annapolis River Project 2023 AGM – June 27, 6pm
Annual General Meeting Join us for our Annual General Meeting Saturday, May 27th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Maitland Bridge Community Hall! We have lots to discuss including updates to operations and new research. The event with feature a special guest presentation by Melissa Labrador and a tour of the Stave Lake Campground & Trails. […]
Fishing season officially opened on April 1st at Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site! Welcome news to all local anglers. Keji staff have released the results of the Kejimkujik’s Angler Diary program, where anglers document their fishing trips, especially the species of fish they caught within the Park waters. The PDF report includes the […]
Sit Back Seminar – April 27 from 7-8 p.m. When you think of ocean ecosystems, you likely think of fish, seaweed, whales, dolphins, lobsters, or other large species! But Rebecca Stevens-Green, PhD Candidate at Dalhousie University, is thinking about what she sees under the microscope, phytoplankton! Phytoplankton are the building blocks of marine ecosystems. They […]
Field season is ramping up. Be sure to check our website and facebook page for updates about volunteer opportunities, training events, and more! We’re hiring! We are currently accepting applications for 3 positions: Species at Risk Project Leader – applications due ASAP Water Quality Project Leader – applications due […]
In 2013, a multidisciplinary group of Government NGO, idealists, and the community of WestPort, NS started a campaign to restore the Big Meadow Bog, located on Brier Island. The bog is home to the endangered Eastern Mountain Avens, a perennial herb producing small yellow flowers from June to September. The Eastern Mountain Avens is a […]
Upper Clements Community Hall is hosting a public Earth Day Event with a focus on building awareness of the needs for sustainability and of the opportunities offered by many groups in the area involved in environmental issues. The program at the Hall on April 22, 1:00pm to 6:00pm consists of: Four ~one hour videos on […]
Sharing Parks Canada Mainland Minute with news about: Kejimkujik National Park And National Historic Site What’s New At Fort Anne National Historic Site What’s New At Halifax Citadel National Historic Site What’s New At Georges Island National Historic Site Download the PDFs below:
The Winter 2023 edition of the Southwest Biosphere newsletter discusses topics related to sustainable development that balances ecological concerns, social goods and economic production and stability. In this issue, there is a review of the role of agriculture, and forest and trees within the Biosphere Region. Conservation is often associated with the preservation of untouched ecosystems. […]
You are invited to attend MTRI AGM March 30, 2023, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (via Zoom) To attend, please register in advance MTRI mailing address: The Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute 9 Mount Merritt Road Kempt, Nova Scotia B0T 1B0 Canada