Community Grants Fund Applications Invited – WestFor

Do you know of organizations that work with, or are involved in, “child and youth programs, outdoor recreation and community infrastructure“?

This funding opportunity, sent to the SW Nova Biosphere, may also be of interest to you.  We share the letter below.



April 21, 2021

We are reaching out to you today on behalf of the Community Grants Advisory Committee.

Western Nova Scotia has derived economic, recreational, and ecological values from our forests for many generations. Communities near mills have always benefited from companies‘ contributions to local initiatives. WestFor is joining the forest sector’s community support efforts through a Community Fund for projects and organizations in the counties where it operates. Each year, $1 for every two tonnes of wood harvested in a county will be set aside to be distributed back into that county in the subsequent year. The focus of the Community Fund will be to provide support for child and youth programs, outdoor recreation and community infrastructure.

Applications will be sought, and submissions will be reviewed by a committee composed of a community representative from each of the counties benefiting from the Fund.

We have contacted you today as we believe that your organization falls under one of these categories. Please feel welcomed to forward this application along to other organizations that you believe would benefit.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to receiving your applications!

Warmest regards,

WestFor Management

Download the application form:
Westfor Community Grants Application 2021 (PDF)