Sharing the latest news from the Clean Annapolis River Project Land Birds At Risk in Working Forests – Webinar Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 7‐8 p.m, Dr. Cindy Staicer, Dalhousie – Online via Zoom Learn about a new project to develop and test Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) for landbird Species at Risk breeding in our working forests. The focus is on the Canada Warbler, Olive‐sided Flycatcher, and Rusty Blackbird in Nova Scotia, plus the Eastern Wood‐Pewee and Common Nighthawk in SWNS. Recovery of their populations depends on access to quality breeding habitats. We are looking for forest owners, managers, foresters, or contractors who may be interested in becoming involved with the project. Involvement could range from attending workshops or field trips; participating in the development of operational guidelines; or allowing a trial of BMPs for these species on land that you own or manage. BMPs can help landowners and forestry operators integrate the maintenance or creation of key habitat features for successful breeding into forest management planning and forestry operations. We are also looking for volunteers to help find these birds and to document their breeding status on test and control sites. You are invited to learn more about the project by joining the webinar with Dr. Staicer from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 30. Webinar agenda: […]