The Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) is an important document that will provide direction on how our communities can achieve their desired future while maintaining a balance between its environmental, social, cultural and economic qualities for the 10, 20 , 30 + year time frame. ICSP’s will be developed in each of Nova Scotia’s municipalities with a draft submission September 2009 that will allow for Federal transfers of gas tax revenues.
SNBRA Board members have become engaged in the ICSP process and it was a decided upon priority at the strategic planning retreat in March 2009. Presentations on the Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve with a focus on sustainability were made to each of the 5 municipal councils including Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Queen’s and Shelburne. The South Shore has formed an ICSP network linking the municipalities of Shelburne, Yarmouth and Argyle and invited SNBRA to participate in their Natural Resources and the Environment forum. SNBRA Board members have also participated in community round tables and community cafes in the counties of Queen’s, Annapolis and Digby.