MTRI Summer 2023 Events

MTRI Summer Events

Learn more and join us for our exciting upcoming events!

Summer Seminars

Starting in July and running until the end of August, MTRI will be hosting weekly seminars on Thursday evenings from 7 – 8 p.m. These seminars will be hybrid so you can join online OR stop into our field station at 9 Mt Merritt Rd, Kempt to join us and grab some snacks and light refreshments. To watch our seminars online you can register via Zoom or join our Facebook livestream.

Summer iNaturalist Competition

Yesterday was the start of our two-week-long Summer Kespukwitk (Southwest Nova Scotia) Municipal iNaturalist Competition! This fierce but friendly competition between the municipalities of Southwest Nova Scotia is to see who can collect the most wildlife observations with the free iNaturalist app. To join, all you have to do is log onto iNaturalist and take observations in Kespukwitk during the next 2 weeks.

Field Guide Walks

Field Guide Walks, Keji 2023
Field Guide Walks, Keji 2023
Field Guide Walks, Other locations 2023
Field Guide Walks, Other locations 2023

Ever curious about the wildlife in your backyard? Wish you knew what that bird was singing outside your window? Now is your chance! We are celebrating the amazing wildlife around Southwest Nova Scotia by hosting free guided walks around the region to get you outside and inspired!Sign up now to join walks about birds, plants, reptiles, butterflies, old forests, lichens, nocturnal wildlife, wetlands and more! Saturday and Sunday, July 22 and 23, we will be in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site and the following week we will have walks in Annapolis Royal, Bridgewater, Port Joli and Barton!

Milkweed Monitoring Training

Milkweed Monitoring Training

Copyright (C) 2023 The Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:The Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute 9 Mount Merritt Road Kempt, Nova Scotia B0T 1B0 Canada


Waterstrider - Clean Annapolis River Project - Summer 2023


MTRI's Annual BBQ and Join our Upcoming Seminars, June 2023