Mavillette Beach Provincial Park: Photography by Sheridan Harel
Touring Through Time App
Une Tournée Dans L’Passé App
This app showcases the Southwest Nova Biosphere Region, which is one of the largest Biospheres in Canada, with this UNESCO designation encompassing over 27% of Nova Scotia.
Funding support was received from Municipalities within the Biosphere, while SNBRA collaborated on App development with the Applied Geomatics Research Group (AGRG) of the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) Annapolis Valley Campus, Middleton, Nova Scotia.
As volunteers, SNBRA strives to support education, sustainable culture and natural resources in this UNESCO Biosphere, while fostering growth in the tourism and economic sectors.
Amazing Places
“Amazing Places is a sustainable tourism initiative that identifies and promotes significant sites for residents and visitors to explore. It aims to educate people about their surroundings and create connections that inspire a commitment to conservation.”
Southwest Nova is currently implementing the program.
Video Vignettes
Enjoy our collection of Tourism Video Vignettes!
Welcome to the Southwest Nova Biosphere!
Welcome to the UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Region, the largest wilderness area in the Maritimes — second largest in Canada. Nestled in the southern part of Nova Scotia, the biosphere encompasses almost a quarter of the province – 1.5 million hectares!
Dulsing we will go with Fundy Adventures
Join Wanda Van Tassel of Fundy Adventures as she takes you on a dulsing adventure.
This sea vegetable farmer is dedicated to sustainability as she harvests a variety of seaweed from around Gulliver’s Cove, a part of the UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve on the Bay of Fundy.
Musique de la Baie
To truly experience the Yarmouth and Acadian Shores culture, take part in a Musique de la Baie.
This music by the sea extravaganza is a wonderful showcase of local talent and cuisine. Travel through the fishing villages and all along the shores, stopping in at the various venues taking part in this musical showcase.
Species at Risk Volunteer Program UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Region.
Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site
Go behind the scenes at Kejimkujik National Park and Kejimkujik Seaside, and volunteer to work directly with park staff and researchers who are helping the species that call the UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Region home. Not only will you witness these species in their natural habitat, you will also take part in helping to protect them.
For more information or to leave your mark on conservation, go to Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada or email
Whale Watching on the Bay of Fundy
The most majestic creatures call the Bay of Fundy their summer home. Come and learn what makes the bay so unique. Take a tour from one our knowledgeable tour companies operating along Digby Neck. Observe whales, porpoises, seals and seabirds as experienced guides teach you about wildlife in the bay.
Whale Watching Operators: BRIER ISLAND: Lodge & Restaurant, Mariner Cruises
Discover the Culture of Nova Scotia's first people - the Mi'kmaw
Discover the ancient history of Nova Scotia’s first people in the timeless landscape of Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site. Considered a cultural landscape, the land at Kejimkujik showcases the culture, lifestyle and beliefs of the Mi’kmaw who have inhabited this land for at least 10,000 years.
Hooking by the Sea Retreats on Brier Island - Permanently Closed
Nestled in Weymouth Mills on the Sissiboo River is Hinterland Adventures. Tour the Tobeatic Wilderness Area of the UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve by canoe, where you can paddle for days without seeing another soul.
Into the Heart of the Biosphere by Paddle with Hinterland Adventures
An adventure with GAEL Tours!
Have you ever watched a barnacle feeding frenzy? Well, you can along the rocky shores of Point Prim located at the edge of the UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve near Digby. Walk along the ocean floor where the low tides of the Bay of Fundy expose several zones of seashore life, including periwinkles and barnacles.
Plankton, Periwinkles & Predators
Foraging through the Forest at Trout Point Lodge
On the southern edge of the Tobeatic Wilderness Area sits Trout Point Lodge, with a true devotion to ecotourism. Experience nature in a new and interesting way by taking an edible hike. Our naturalist will guide the way through the pristine forest exploring bogs, marshes and around the edge of Tusket River.
Journey into the Night Sky
Experience the Dark Sky Preserve at Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site. In the heart of Kejimkujik’s wilderness, we’ll take you on a journey into the night sky surrounded by the protected forest to a rare place uninhibited by light pollution.
Ancient Mi’Kmaw Culture Re-Emerges, Acadia First Nation Gathering
On June 20 & 21, 2013, in recognition, celebration and in spirit of sharing, Acadia First Nation along with their partners presented a 2 day Journey into Land’s End, Ancient Mi’Kmaw Culture Re-emerges at White Point Beach Resort, on Nova Scotia South Shore within the UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve.