Executive Board and Staff


Co-Chair: David Sollows, Yarmouth, N.S.

Co-Chair: Linda Gregory, Culloden, Digby County, N.S.

Vice-Chair: Cliff Drysdale, Middleton, Annapolis County, N.S.

Secretary: John Sollows, Sandbeach, Yarmouth County, N.S. Phone: (902)-742-2802

Acting Treasurer: John Sollows

Past Chair: Steve Malay, Harmony, Queens County, N.S.


Our Board welcomes representatives from the following sectors: Industry (up to five members), Government (up to five members), Community (up to five members), First Nations (one each from Bear River and Acadia First Nations), non-government organizations (up to five members), and Education/ Academic (up to three members).

Advisors to the Board can also be appointed from provincial and federal governments, as well as from the above sectors.