
Mouth of the Chebogue River: Photography by Sue Hutchins

Southwest Nova Biosphere Summer 2022 Newsletter

Our first edition of the Southwest Nova Biosphere Times, for summer 2022. We highlight a variety of stories about the Biosphere from biodiversity to history, to notable people, and our first land purchase!

New editions will come out as seasons change, so keep an eye out in the fall for our next release!

As the summer comes to an end we are saying goodbye to our summer students: Hannah Saulnier, Jai Shankle, Christopher Pace, Jeremy Ayotte, Samuel Angel, and Hadi Mouazzen. Best of luck with your next year of studies!

Nick Hill is the author of all the articles that do not include a name at the bottom. Shayla Nickerson was responsible for the editing and layout. Any questions or comments can be emailed to .

  1. The Geological Bones of Kespukwitk

  2. Hemlock Restoration in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

  3. Wetland Work at Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute

  4. Wildcat’s Earthkeepers

  5. Poetry Corner

  6. Horseshoe Lake Fire

  7. OECMS and Protected Areas and Canada’s drive for 25% by 2025

  8. SNBR’s First Land Purchase: The Uhlman Wisqoq Swamp

  9. Prince Albert Potatoes on the North Mountain

  10. The Agricultural Biodiversity Conservation (ABC) Plan Program – identifying co-benefits for biodiversity and local agriculture

  11. In Memory of John Leefe

  12. The Mighty SMG Mill and Tiny Homes in Mavillette

  13. The Acadian Red Spruce Forest

  14. Invasive Plants: Time for Action on the Himalayan Blackberry

  15. Weymouth Post Office and the Salt Marsh

Table of contents


Fall 2022 Newsletter


Winter 2012 Newsletter